2025 LANGLEY Live! Piano (Adult)

Piano - Adult (19+ years)

1. ​Once ​you ​have ​completed ​a ​registration, ​it ​is ​NOT ​possible ​to ​change ​it ​on ​line. ​Instead, ​all ​registration ​changes ​must ​be ​made ​by ​emailing langleylive@vayafestivals.ca
2. ​Online ​registrations ​may ​be ​paid ​by ​Credit ​Card only. A registration fee of $3.75 will be applied automatically.
3. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: February 1, 2025 – 11:59pm.
4. Registrations arriving after this date will be subject to a $10.00 late fee.

Acceptance ​of ​a ​participant’s ​entry ​into ​the LANGLEY Live! Music Festival ​will ​release ​any ​responsibility ​of ​the ​Festival’s ​Directors, ​Staff ​and ​Volunteers ​from ​any ​claims, ​demands, ​damages, ​actions ​or ​causes ​of ​action ​arising ​out ​of ​or ​in ​consequence ​of ​any ​loss, ​injury ​or ​damage ​to ​any ​participant ​or ​any ​participant’s ​personal ​property ​incurred while ​participating ​in ​the ​LANGLEY Live! Music Festival. Participants agree to allow the Society to post their video links on their website and social media pages for promotional purposes.

Contact Information

Participant's Name
Participant's Name
First Name
Last Name
Participant's complete address (include unit/suite number)
Participant's complete address (include unit/suite number)
Participant's Age on December 31, 2024: (Youth 18 and Under please use the Youth Form)
IMPORTANT: Please consult the Syllabus: Piano (Adults) to check for important rules and conditions (including the maximum performance length and correct entry fee).

On this form, this participant may be registered in multiple classes or even create multiple registrations in the same class (one fee for each selection).

Provincial Class - Age 22 and under

Check the checkbox to accept the entry fee (see syllabus):

Competitive Categories - Ages 19 - 28 Years

NOTE: Adults wishing to register in non-competitive piano classes may use the youth syllabus class numbers to register.
Select the entry fee (see syllabus):

Submit Registration: When this registration is submitted successfully, a registration summary will be sent to the Email of person completing this application.